7rst CSE-CPSE-504 Committee 22-23.pdf
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Agenda 2022 07-06 Reorganization - Regular.pdf
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G1a Budget Status Report 062922.PDF
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G1b Revenue Status Report 06292022.PDF
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G1c Budget Transfer Report 06292022.PDF
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G1de Claims Audit and Treasurer Report.pdf
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G1f Extraclass -May.pdf
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J1 Standard Form of Agreement Owner Architect-CM - Final - (1).pdf
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J2 Memorandum of Understanding SRO 2022.pdf
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J3 Exempt Employees agreement.pdf
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K1 K2 CSE CPSE Cover Letter.pdf
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K10 School Related Group - PFO.pdf
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K11 Band Music Stands.pdf
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K12 22-23 AS-7 Agreement GSTBOCES.pdf
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K13 22-23 BackPack Agreement.pdf
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K14 Disposal of Assests.pdf
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K14 Disposal of Assests-textbooks.pdf
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K6 Physician Agreement 2022-23.pdf
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K7 22-23 mobile app and web development - Apptegy.pdf
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K8 CMS Library Annual Report 2022 (3).pdf
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K8 COE Library Annual Report 2022 (1).pdf
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K8 TAE Library Annual Report 2022.pdf
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K9 P-J Maintenance Agreement 22-23.pdf
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N4 2022-23 SCEP Plan.pdf
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